Biting Pests
Biting insects have a complex mouth structure that varies between species. They actively seek a food source by using their various senses to find a suitable host and they will feed on humans and animals by piercing the skin to tap into a blood vessel. Bug bites can become infected if not treated properly and avoiding these insects is very important. You can keep them away from your property by eliminating their breeding environment and having professional treatments.
Depending on life-cycle stage, bed bugs can range from translucent yellowish (newly hatched) to rusty brown (adult stages) and even bright red after a blood meal. Unfed, bed bugs are flat and oval, yellow to golden brown with a dark squiggle on their abdomen (that’s their digestive system). After a blood meal, they’re plump and reddish brown.
As their name implies, bed bugs like to live and feed in beds, where people spend their time at rest. They also live behind baseboards, wallpaper, picture frames, drapery folds, upholstery, in pet beds, and in furniture crevices. They are transferred from one place to the next by hitchhiking in or on suitcases, boxes, purses, and shoes. Elusive and nocturnal, they make their presence known most often through the red, itchy bites they leave behind.
Blood; primarily human, but bed bugs will dine on any warm-blooded animal.
Bed bugs have made a strong comeback from just a few decades ago. They are much more resilient due to the overuse of chemicals, but also because the types of pest control products available today are not as toxic as in the past. Bed bugs are effectively controlled today with the right partnership and intelligent strategies. Various methods such as professional treatments and cautious monitoring are very successful when done right. Bed bugs are not a DIY pest and if you think you might have them, contact us, we will gain control of the problem quicker.
Dark red to brown; 1/8″ long, flat, broad oval shape with 8 darker legs.
Deer ticks are often found near wooded and highly vegetated areas. They prefer to dwell in grass and shrubs where animals are most likely to pass by. Like all ticks, they’re known for being vectors to spreading bacterial diseases and Lyme disease.
These ticks like to feed on the blood of white-tailed deer, which is why they are called deer ticks. They’ll also feed on squirrels, raccoons, skunks, mice, dogs, birds, and humans when deer are not readily available.
If you’ll be outdoors in settings prone to ticks, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. Light colored clothes make ticks easier to detect. Tuck pants into socks. Use a tick repellent containing DEET. Wash clothes immediately after returning indoors if you suspect deer ticks. Ticks are difficult to control, and the services of an experienced professional are recommended. Treatments may be necessary on a regular basis in areas of your yard where ticks are found.
Reddish brown, oval-shaped, flattened body with whitish-grey markings. Size varies from 3/16″ to 5/8″ depending on lifecycle stage and if they’ve just fed. Larvae have 6 legs and adults have 8 legs.
The American Dog Tick feeds on a variety of hosts, including raccoons, skunks, opossums and coyotes, as well as domestic dogs, cats and man. Nymphs and adults can transmit diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Tularemia.
These ticks are mostly found along roads, trails, and in non-wooded, grassy areas, where animals are likely to pass by. They can detect the scent of animals, which is how they find meals. They don’t survive indoors very well, but are a risk to residential areas because of their preference to feed on domestic dogs.
Keep your pets protected from ticks in the yard by administering preventative medication approved by your veterinarian. Check them regularly before they enter your home for any signs of ticks embedded in their skin or fur. Wear long pants and sleeves if you’ll be in grassy areas prone to these pests and use a bug repellent containing DEET to keep yourself protected when outdoors. Ticks are difficult to control, and the services of an experienced professional are recommended. Treatments may be necessary on a regular basis in areas of your yard where ticks are found.
Tiny, about 1/6″ in length; reddish brown and flattened.
Fleas live on the bodies of animals and feed on their blood. Because fleas usually feed and lay their eggs while an animal is sleeping, your pet’s resting area is where the most fleas will be found. Pets get fleas from being outside in the yard. The cat flea will attack both cats and dogs. Its flat shape allows it to pass easily between animal hairs.
Larvae feed on organic debris, particularly the feces of adult fleas, which contain undigested blood. Females need to feed on animal blood in order to produce eggs.
Controlling a flea infestation requires treating your pets, the inside of your home and outside all at the same time. To treat pets, consult your veterinarian and follow the instructions of recommended flea control products. Prior to a professional flea treatment inside your home, items need to be removed from the floors and clutter needs to be reduced to eliminate potential harborage areas for fleas to hide. Running a vacuum over as many floor surfaces as possible will “activate” any eggs that are lying dormant, making the treatment more effective. Carefully discarding the vacuum bag after use will prevent captured fleas from spreading throughout the house. Wash and dry on high heat, or replace pet bedding. We advise NOT to use flea bombs or over-the-counter fumigant cans to treat for fleas yourself as this can actually make them spread worse and could potentially be a hazard to your health.
Biting midges are very tiny flies with distinct patterned wings, ranging from 1-3mm in size. They have piercing, spiny mouth parts that will lacerate skin and cause irritation, raising concerns about possible involvement in the transmission of disease agents. Biting midges appear gray or reddish brown when filled with blood.
Biting midge larvae develop in a variety of semi-aquatic or aquatic habitats, depending on the species.
Females of pest species feed primarily on mammals, but birds, reptiles, and amphibians also are a source of blood meals. Some species are host specific, but others are opportunistic, feeding on a variety of vertebrates that they encounter, usually in response to carbon dioxide emitted by the host. Male biting midges feed on plant sap and nectar.
Control of biting midge larvae and adults is very difficult. Scheduling outdoor activities to avoid daily peaks of biting midges is the most effective way people can avoid being bitten.
Pale brown with whitish stripes across abdomen; narrow oval shape; 1/4 to 3/8″ in length. Females are easily recognized by long thin proboscis, or mouth parts, extending from the head.
Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water sources such as storm drains, old tires, children’s wading pools and birdbaths. They are one of the best known and most detested summer pests. Female mosquitoes bite humans and feed on our blood, leaving behind welts and itching bite sites. Mosquito-borne diseases in the United States are on the rise.
Female mosquitoes feed on our blood. Male mosquitoes feed on plant nectars.
Mosquitoes are most active at dusk and dawn, so avoid going outdoors during those times. Use insect repellent containing DEET on exposed skin whenever or wherever mosquitoes are likely to bite. To eliminate or reduce mosquito breeding sites, replace or freshen all standing water daily. This includes bird baths, ponds and unfiltered pools. Remove unnecessary vegetation and any trash from around standing water sources that cannot be eliminated. Make sure screens are in place on all doors, windows and other openings. Keep your pets protected, too, with preventative medication obtained by your veterinarian.